Beauty In&Out

Beauty, Fashion, Health

Experts explain how our body accepts and stores some groceries, so those who contribute to the accumulation of fat you should eat less, no matter how yummy they look to us.


The cellulite comes from: inheritance, hormonal imbalance, improper diet, lack of movement...If this is your problem, try not to enter sugars, fats and of course salt, which helps keeping the water in the body, and increases the fluid in tissues.
Therefore avoid foods that contain these ingredients.

Not to eat : smoked meat and fish, meat products, prosciutto, seafood, soup cube and canned food.


Fats are an integral part of our cells and essential for good health. They are very fat and are found only in fatty foods. Two thirds of the fat that we enter in our body originate from the "hidden" sources such as red meat, biscuits and dairy products. 

Not to eat : cheese with hard crust or mold, cakes and cookies, chips and other snacks, fried meat and fish, mayonnaise and similar fat spreads, black olives, dried fruit, jam and spirits.


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